Whistleblowing System is an application provided by PT Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services for those who have information about and would like to report any violation that occurs within the ranks of all departments/divisions in PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services. We would greatly appreciate the information provided, and with it, we are to continue retaining our Good Corporate Governance practices.
`STOP CORRUPTION!` is our motto, and we are proud to say no to BRIBE, GRATIFICATION, & CORRUPTION at PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services.
Element Of Complaint
The scope of the offenses committed by the employees of PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services that are to be reported through the media reporting system include:
- Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism.
- Corruption, is an unlawful act committed by one for the personal benefits of one person or more.
- Collusion, is a secret and/or illegal agreement and cooperation conducted by the employees of PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services and other parties for the goal of cheating and deceiving others
- c. Nepotism, is an act of putting one’s family member/close relative’s interests above the interests of PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services
- Gratification is the act of giving and/or receiving money, gifts and entertainment that can be valued in money, whether within the country or abroad which is done by someone associated with an authority/position of power in PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services, so as to give rise to a conflict of interest that affects the independence, objectivity and professionalism of a person
- Cheating is a dishonest act which includes among others, fraud, extortion, falsification, concealment or destruction of documents/statements or using wrong documents, that is performed by a person or group of people who pose a real potential for harm or loss to the PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services or others.
- Bribery is the act of giving and/or receiving a bribe/reward or promise in any form to and from a person with relation to his position and the aim to gain personal and/or professional profit and/or benefit.
- Violation of the Laws and Regulations of PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services is a wrongdoing committed by employees of PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services against the laws and regulations of PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services along with government regulations and the decision of the Directors and their derivatives that might cause potential losses within PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services.
- Principles of Financial Accounting Standards violations are violations committed by employees of PT. Ponco Oilfield Supplies & Services regarding accounting issues and internal control over financial reporting which could potentially result in a material misstatement in the financial statements.
- Immoral act or behavior of employees which deviates from the norms and rules of politeness that could potentially pollute the reputation of employment and/or result in losses.
What : Deeds indicate violations of known
Where : Where it was committed
When : When it was Committed
Who : Anyone who is involved in the act
Why : Why it was done
How : How it was committed
Confidentially of informant
Management is committed to protecting the informant and management will adhere to all laws and regulations relevant and applicable to best practices. This policy is intended to encourage reporting of violations and at the same time ensure the security of the complainant and his family. Management provides protection to the complainant from the treatments that can be detrimental to the complainant, such as:
- Unfair termination;
- Decline of position or grade;
- Harassment or discrimination;
- Records in a file that are detrimental to their personal data;
- Protection from criminal or civil prosecution;
- Protection of personal safety or family of the reporting of physical or mental threats;
- Protection of informant’s property;
- Confidentiality of the informant;
- Provision of information without face to face discussions.
Protection is not given to the complainant who is proven to :
- Give a fake report
- Reveal identity of oneself to the public
Reporting Media
By electronic media, such as: email to suggestionsbox@poncoss.com